On the cusp of your death
I find a sense of peace and relief
That I have crossed the finish line
Done my part
Given everything I have
And that it is out of my hands entirely
In the hands now
Of Gd and your soul
But I am also wracked with
A quiet grief
That is pervasive
And inescapable
Because this world my world
Will never be the same without you
Who will I turn to
In the middle of the night
When I feel tormented
Who will love me so fiercely and unconditionally
As you have
So that I always know
I am held somewhere
By someone
I feel lost already
As you begin the descent
And your heart is there
But not your mind
An odd gift in some way
Gradually one step at a time
Preparing me for
The absence of your presence
Giving time to adjust
To the inevitable gaping hole
While I am still able
To cuddle up next to you
Lay my head on your chest
And feel soothed and aligned
In your heart beat
Embracing encircling holding me
Like you once did
Comforting soothing welcoming me
As I emanated from You
And into this Life

©2019 by Loolwa Khazzoom. All rights reserved. No portion of this article may be copied without author’s permission.


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