I need someone
Who cherishes me
Makes me a priority
Confides in me
And pulls me closer
When things get tougher
Someone who had cast his lot with mine
Like Ruth and Naomi
In it together
My joy is his joy
My sadness is his sadness
And he is invested in my wellness
As he is in his own
To which he is devoted
Aware that a healthy body mind and soul
Is the foundation
For Life itself
To which he is attracted
Like a moth to the flame
Eschewing the darkness
From which he came
Not only transcending
But also transforming
A shape shifter
A change maker
A Magic Man
With well developed muscles
For facing and coping with whatever comes his way
Turning obstacles into opportunities
And shit into fertilizer
So that we can grow
Breathtaking flowers

©2019 by Loolwa Khazzoom. All rights reserved. No portion of this article may be copied without author’s permission.

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