I turn the world
My world
Upside down
To take care of you
Rescue you
Comfort you
Manage everything in your life
That you can’t handle
But unless something
Directly and adversely impacts you
You will not even take basic steps
To protect me
To not invade me
To give me the space I need
To breathe
And yet
Like the skillfully manipulative rapist
You couch your decimation of my boundaries
In the guise of heroic levels of
Care for me
Justifying your annihilation of my autonomy
At every twist and turn
While leaving me feeling guilty
When I need extra space
To get away from your insanity
And leaving me feeling sad
That your profound disrespect and disregard of my soul
Shroud your big heart and bubbly spirit
Standing as a barrier
Forcing me to choose between
Connecting with you
And feeling peace

©2017 by Loolwa Khazzoom. All rights reserved. No portion of this article may be copied without author’s permission.

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