By the loss so far
Accumulating further loss
Through inaction

There wasn’t enough time to do it right
Or I was busy trying to let go
And live in the here and now

And now I’m anxious
I may have forgotten details
Truth lies in the details
So I might get the facts wrong

And I’ve done so much living
And I’m in such a different head space now
That I might be removed from the situation
To the extent that I gloss over it
Just as I cautioned myself
Not to do
All those years ago

So I am paralyzed
Accumulating more loss
That paralyzes me more
As the years tick by
And I become that passing-of-time casualty
That I warned myself
Never to become

©2017 by Loolwa Khazzoom. All rights reserved. No portion of this article may be copied without author’s permission.


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