
Zazz Up Your Life with Khazzoom!

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Marketing for Renaissance Types

This article was first published in The Huffington Post on February 9, 2017

Conventional marketing wisdom has it that if you wear multiple hats, you have to choose one of them and focus on it exclusively, so as to run an effective marketing campaign. I disagree. I see that approach as cutting off a vital stream that flows into a powerful river. My approach is to identify the core unifying principle between and motivating force behind all the work that someone does, no matter how disparate that work may seem, and to bring those elements front and center.

The tool I use is a comprehensive inventory process, through which I ask pointed questions that not only identify each hat my client wears, but that also get “underneath” each hat, connecting the dots in between: I discover the essence of who my client is, as a soul walking around on this earth; how that essence translates into what my client does for work; how that work feeds the souls of those whose lives my client touches; and so on. Inevitably, a common theme emerges. That theme becomes my client’s brand, informs […]

Get into Top Media

This article was first published in The Huffington Post on January 22, 2016.

The core principle of getting into top media is this: It’s a methodical, holistic, step-by-step process. While top media outlets occasionally feature “newbies,” ie, those not previously featured in other media outlets, they primarily look for individuals who already have established themselves in magazines, newspapers, blogs, and television, for a few reasons:

      1. They want to know that this individual can perform.
      2. Whether engaging a television audience or writing a

    compelling blog post

      , the people featured in top media need to have magnetic draw, to increase eyeballs and drive sales.
      1. They are conservative.
      2. Media at the top has a lot more at risk than smaller, independent media. For this reason, they are far less willing to take a risk. The talent they feature need to have a

    track record in smaller media

      , to ensure this talent is a sound investment. Think about it this way: If you’re about […]

5 Steps to Becoming a Recognized Thought Leader

This article was first published in The Huffington Post, on 5-9-14

Sales and status are inter-related but not the same thing; you can turn a pretty profit while remaining obscure. To position yourself a recognized thought leader, you need not only to be an expert in your field but also to proactively establish yourself as one. Here’s how:

1. Refine your brand, target audience, and message.
Get clear about the essence of who you are, what you do, and why you do it. Spend a little time soul-searching! Reflect on how your personality, life experience, spiritual beliefs, and professional training uniquely equip you to do your work in your signature way. The distillation of these answers is your brand. Next, think about who needs exactly what you do, the way you do it, and why. Voila! Now you have your target audience. Keep in mind that your target audience is not “everyone.” If it is, you have not done your homework. Lastly, play matchmaker with yourself and your target audience: Choose language that communicates your brand in such a […]