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Should You Self-Publish or Pursue a Mainstream Publisher?

This article was first published on March 14, 2016, in The Huffington Post.

Over the past month, I have fielded numerous inquiries about book development and promotion, so I figured it would be helpful to share with you my tips for both. In this first installment, I’ll focus on the starting point question of whether to self-publish or pursue a mainstream publisher. There is really no right or wrong answer here. Instead, there are pros and cons of each route, along with numerous variables to consider. Here are some of them:

Self Publishing Pros:

  • You have total control over content and publication date.
  • You receive all the profits generated by book sales.
  • You don’t need to develop a book proposal (which is like a business and marketing plan for the book, plus book summary, chapter summaries, and sample chapters).
  • You don’t need to have an already-established platform (impressive media clips, a strong social media following, previous work with VIPs, previous speaking engagements at leading venues) to entice literary agents and publishing company editors.

Need Help But On a Budget? Hire an Intern.

This article was first published on March 4, 2016 in The Huffington Post

Summer is around the corner, and there are a plethora of super intelligent and passionate students looking for free work opportunities. If you’re in need of another hand on deck, but you don’t have the budget to hire an employee, consider hiring an intern. Students will be grateful for the opportunity to prove themselves in a real-world setting — getting the job experience they need to be competitive in the workplace. And you’ll be happy to get the support staff you need, without putting your bank account into the red.

If you need help writing website content or editing your book, target students in the English, journalism, and communications tracks. If you need help with developing or promoting your business, target students in the business, marketing, and communication tracks — the latter of which will be especially keen on promoting your business through social media.

These kinds of internships are the most coveted, because students get hands-on experience putting their studies into practice, as opposed to making photocopies, fetching coffee, and doing […]

Expand Your Media Reach

This article was first published in The Huffington Post, on February 16, 2016

Just because you’re in the field of holistic health does not mean you need to stay sequestered in holistic health media, or even in health media. By thinking expansively and creatively about who you are, what you do, and whom you serve, you can position yourself as relevant for a diverse cross-section of media. How do you get out of a limited media mindset? Think of yourself as a prism, catching the light at different angles, depending on how you hold that prism.

Let’s say you are a holistic nutritionist. It’s pretty straightforward to think about pitching general health media, or health sections of newspapers, with the angle of optimal nutrition for optimal health. Go beyond, by thinking about the additional applications of nutrition, and pitch the corresponding media markets:

Offer a local summer cleanse program, and prior to the event, pitch local television, radio, and newspapers with an interview, offering pointers on how to do a safe and effective cleanse.

Pitch political magazines with an investigative look at the links between racism, […]