Kanye Violinist Debuts
After playing with rappers and jazz icons, Miri Ben-Ari breaks out
(Rolling Stone)
Super Fly
Tiffany Surerus jumps out of planes. Several times a day. For work.
Expats Return Aids Israel Biotech
Why would the head of the world's largest biotech company leave his position, to run a startup in the hills of Jerusalem?
(BBC News)
Thought I'd Never See My Family Again!"
How one trip to the DMV went very wrong
cover story)
the Fight for the Morning After Pill
Activist sues the FDA for blocking access to emergency
(Boston Globe)
On Wheels
I learned to roll with the punches
(Washington Post)
Said My Arab Boyfriend Would Slit My Throat
Arab-Jewish couple creates an oasis in the Negev desert
(Marie Claire)
Elephant in the Room
A Local Pharmacy's Mix of Science and Spirituality Expands Beyond
the Bay.
(San Francsico Magazine)
What's It Like to Live in...Israel?
Like all Israeli teens, Tamar had to join the army
after graduation.
Eye Candy
Not just what you look at, but what you look through
(Jerusalem Post)
Women take center stage in cycling event,
men provide support
(San Francisco Chronicle)
"I Couldn't Read"
For 15 years Lyneisha got by without even being able to read street signs. But then she had to admit she needed help
When I was in third grade, our teacher would ask us to read out loud" says Lyneisha, now 18 and a senior at Dewey High School in Oakland, California. "When she called on me, I'd get really anxious and hot - I didn't know how to say the words. I'd try to sound out the letters, and the kids would laugh because I'd stumble through the words. I felt so dumb."
Lyneshia didn't know why she couldn't read like other students, but she was too ashamed to practice in front of them - so she often just refused to read aloud in class. "Instead I'd run to the bathroom and cry," she explains. Then a friend who sat next to Lyneshia started whispering the words to her when the teacher made her struggle through them. "It would look like I was reading, so my teacher didn't know how bad things really were," Lyneshia says. (full article)
published in Seventeen,
December, 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this
article may be used without the author's permission.

The Flying Camel
Seal Press, 2003
first-person stories bridge divisions between Arab and Jew, East and
West, and navigate through tensions between Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.
about the anthology
your copy here
Pearl In A Million Press, 2001
True story pushes the boundaries of response to street harassment,
offering a breathtaking ride over the edges of female socialization.
about Consequence